The Life Center is a licensed day rehabilitation through the state of Nebraska and is located at 1201 Arbor Drive in South Sioux City. This program is for adults 19 and old, with exceptions for teenagers, that may be struggling with mental health and/or substance abuse issues. The FREE program invites individuals to attend Monday through Thursday 9:30-3:30, Fridays from 9:30-2:30 and Saturday with varying hours due to outings. Individuals who attend make a family style lunch each day, they can do their laundry, there are coping skills groups, they do volunteer work at local non-profits, and get the support they need. Case management is included to all individuals who attend the center. Thanks to a United Way of Siouxland grant, there will be bi-monthly yoga, art therapy groups, music therapy groups, and nutrition classes. Transportation is provided every day as well.
This organization is an equal opportunity provider.
Our Impact This Year
People Helped
Volunteer Hours
Dollars Raised
Program Participants